
Here we go!

So first off I just got Wizard #165 and the one thing that caught my eye was the AWSOME Jim Lee report on All-Star Batman including some early sketches. Second, a segment about the Ultimate Moon Knight (yes I know it was ridiculously small but he's the COOLEST!)

I also got to see Episode III over the weekend and I must say well-done to everyone involved in its production. It was a respectable prequal and I especially liked the Tie-Fighter and X-Wing references in the beginning dogfight. One beef with it though, what was the big idea giving both Anakin and Ob-Wan blue lightsabers? I couldn't figure out who was who!

Well that's all for today take care everyone.


Wow people this is so cool hopefully it's my friends and stuff.

So anyway my day today sucked cause we had Spanish
I'm still working out the kinks and stuff so checkback 7ish.

Ok I really like this pic (so much I got it blown up into a poster) I like how the artist used light colors and junk. Posted by Hello

My Kitty =D  Posted by Hello

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