
DC's 52 plan is going to come crashing down on them.

As many of you who read comics know recently DC ended its huge crossover known as Infinite Crisis and all the DC titles took a year jump (OYL). To tell you what happened over this year DC launched a weekly maxiseries called 52 that tells you what happens during a specific week in cronologic order this may sound fine and dandy but when you look at DC's track record for getting monthly issues out on time then you take a second to think about them doing a weekly series it doesn't look so promising. That's not the only thing I'm worried about somehow I know that DC's gonna run out of writers and artists for this series and we're gonna be getting a bunch of fill ins who haven't gotten work in years. But now that I'm done talking about the bad I gotta mention the good. I personally got this series because two of my favorite characters would be key players, Steel and Booster Gold, and I wanna see what will happen to them. Well that's all till next time.


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